miercuri, 5 septembrie 2012

new ipad mini is announced or not

new ipad mini is announced or not with the launch of iPhone 5? Pictures "leaked" on the internet with the new iPad Mini. How you look and you could appear in 2012. We look forward rival Samsung Nexus 7 or tab 2 7.7

Few visitors get lost in tax called Shenzhen Halls 27 and 28 of the Berlin Exhibition Park, probably because these buildings are located in popular manufacturers and unadorned booths are usually full of vacuum is cheap and industrial components.

In the middle, we found committing "iPhone 5" fingers, also machined aluminum Mini iPad prototype expected in October, which is likely to be the development of a mini iPad sleeves. Technology is quickly advancing and it seems that the world is growing mini tablets. What makes Samsung more prepared after losing in front of Apple trial of a billion dollars.

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